October 2024
October is Black History Month. The nursery children honoured the history, traditions, arts and culture of Black people both in the UK and across the globe.
Some of the activities the children took part in :
Literacy - reading Handa’s Surprise by Eileen Browne, the picture book is named one of the best culturally diverse in the UK. It is the story of Handa, who is part of the Luo tribe in South-West Kenya. The children watched the film and acted out the story line by using props and costumes.
Physical development and maths - gross & fine motor skills explored by using the steel drums, the children made noise patterns with small movements. This extended into gross motor with larger arm movements.
Expressive arts & design - creating tones of skin colour with different materials such as making play dough , painting paper plates to design faces, crayons to colour, gluing different texturde hair and exploring complexions colours using paint and hand prints. Traffic light colours and practicing scissor skills by cutting circles and rectangles.
Understanding the World - exploring culture and communities. We have children who attend the nursery from many different countries such as Eritrea, Zambia, Jamaica & Sierra Leone. The children looked at flags from these countries and wore national dress.
Looking at traffic lights which were invented by Garrett Morgan back in 1923. It all began after Garrett Morgan witnessed a car accident and suggested the amber “wait” light as a simple solution. This suggestion has come to be the standard traffic light system we use almost 100 years later!