April 2024
Nursery children have had a fun few week back after half term, they have been interested in :
Personal, Social and Emotional Development -
Understanding their own feelings and those of others when sharing the equipment and playing alongside others -
Building their confidence in new situations , as well as managing their feelings.
Literacy -
Children asking questions about the books in the library and what could happen next,
making marks using different tools such as Dry wipe pens, chalk and recognising letters in their names.
Physical Development-
Using their Gross Motor Skills such as walking to the park, crawling under the equipment, running and climbing. Also learning to navigate space safely and to wait their turn.
The children developed their smaller Fine Motor movement such as drawing and writing, holding tools such as a pencil and paintbrush.
Mathematics - Developing an understanding and recognising numbers.
Expressive Arts and Design -
Being creative, exploring colours and textures with different material such as paint, foam, rice, pasta, playdough and chalk.
Being Imaginative engaging in role play activities and making ice-creams.
Understanding the World -
The Natural World - Exploring and understanding natural world searching for insects, planting in the mud kitchen and the life cycle of a caterpillar. (The Hungry Caterpillar)