Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) , Development Matters and Birth to Five.
We use the Development Matters document alongside the EYFS to support your child to work towards the Early Years Goals at the end of reception.
Details of these can be given to parents on request and are displayed in the corridor.
We follow the overarching principles of the EYFS to ensure your child’s individual needs are met.
As a requirement of the Early Years Foundation stage the children will be assessed thoughtout their nursery jounery including :
- 2 year development checks - this will take place before their 3rd birthday.
- Termly internal assesments - all areas of the EYFS are assessed to monitor development.
- Termly Wellcomm assessments - this speech and language toolkit enables practitioners to quickly and easily identify children needing support.
- Transition Documents - these documents are completed when a child moves from stage to stage in their education, for example when moving from one nursery room to another, or leaving the setting to attend another.